04 October 2010

Looking Back

So I'm sitting here in the dispatch office on day 1 of a 5 day work week. Been here since 1315Z and between our crews reporting for duty and briefings, I started thinking about my 20+ years here in the commercial aviation industry. I can't believe that starting off as a ramper, I'd end up as an aircraft dispatcher. I mean, I was happy just being next to these "beast" on the ramp rather than looking at the aircraft thru a window like some "animal in a zoo".

Growing up, flying interisland in Hawaii was a way of life. Everyone has family on the neighbor islands and you gotta fly to visit. I had no inclination that this is what I'd end up doing as a career. But what the hell, I'm glad that I'm in it. Once you work in aviation, they say, it's in your blood. You always want to return to it.

One of the things that I love about this industry is, and "NO!", it's not about the flying benefits, but the camaraderie that you develop with your co-workers. The other is all the interesting stories that you collect either thru personal experiences or that of your co-workers. I can think of numerous times that I have had something funny, sad, heart touching or any one of a dozen emotions that effect a human. I know, all of us in this industry could write a book on these topics.

There's a blog site called http://www.airlinenightmare.com/ . If you get a chance, check them out. The stories and experiences that they have on their blog are just downright hilarious. Other's just get you pissed! Either way, these are either the personal experiences or opinions by the blogs moderators and contributors. It's a great site if you want to read about the everyday going on's within the aviation industry.

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