There are many completed 737's transiting HNL on there way to Asia and Beyond. Here are some that I took but I have not posted on HNL RareBirds.
Here's a Malaysian 800 series taxing out to the reef runway (8R/26L). Many of these 737's have been purchased a while ago from Boeing, but only now are the airlines taking delivery of the aircraft.

Here comes a Lion Air 737-900ER series. Lion AIr, Indonesia's larget private airline is the launch customer for the 900ER series. They will be taking delivery of 30 of this type of aircraft and have the option for 30 more. These are to replace the older 737-300 and 400 series already in service with them.

As this monster taxis past my office, its wings actually go over the fence line. Minutes later a second one lands and both are parked next to each other during their one hour tech stop for fuel and food before procceding on to Majuro (MAJ).
2 down and 28 more to come for Lion !
Not only are the Indonesians and Malysians purchasing aircraft, the Chinese too are purchasing new aircraft for many startup's around the country. Here a Shandong Airlines 800 series taxi to a hardstand out on the south ramp.
Many more deliveries are coming thru HNL in the coming months. And this dosen't even count those that stop on the neighbor islands, like Virgin Blue that usually stops on LIH on there way down under.
For more info and other pics, visit